Тільки повні та правильні відповіді (ГДЗ) до робочого зошита «Solutions Intermediate Workbook (3rd edition)» answer key.
IA Vocabulary - Holidays
IB Grammar - Present tense contrast
IC Vocabulary - Adjectives
ID Grammar - Articles, will and going to
1A Vocabulary - Ages and stages
1B Grammar - Past tense contrast
1C Listening - Family tensions
1D Grammar - used to
1E Word Skills - Phrasal verbs (1)
1F Reading - Family fortunes
1G Speaking - Role-play
1H Writing - A message
Review Unit 1
2A Vocabulary - Love it or hate it
2B Grammar - Present perfect and past simple contrast
2C Listening - Eating out
2D Listening - Present perfect simple and continuous
2E Word Skills - Compound nouns and adjectives
2F Reading - Sport changes lives
2G Speaking - Stimulus-based discussion
2H Writing - A blog post
Review Unit 2
Exam Skills Trainer 1
3A Vocabulary - Parts of the body
3B Grammar - Speculating and predicting
3C Listening - The body’s limits
3D Grammar - Future continuous and future perfect
3E Word Skills - Word families
3F Reading - Body clock
3G Speaking - Photo description
3H Writing - An opinion essay
Review Unit 3
4A Vocabulary - Describing houses and homes
4B Grammar - Comparison
4C Listening - Young and homeless
4D Grammar - Imaginary situations
4E Word Skills - do, make and take
4F Reading - Alternative living
4G Speaking - Photo comparison and discussion
4H Writing - An email
Review Unit 4
5A Vocabulary - Computing
5B Grammar - Quantifiers
5C Listening - Navigation nightmare
5D Grammar - Modals in the past
5E Word Skills - Adjective + preposition
5F Reading - Intelligent footballers
5G Speaking - Photo comparison
5H Writing - An internet forum post
Review Unit 5
6A Vocabulary - Describing character
6B Grammar - Defining relative clauses
6C Listening - Margaret Fuller
6D Grammar - Non-defining relative clauses
6E Word Skills - Phrasal verbs (2)
6F Reading - Out of work
6G Speaking - Guided conversation
6H Writing - A for and against essay
Review Unit 6
Exam Skills Trainer 3