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Обкладинка ГДЗ Solutions Intermediate Workbook (3rd edition) answer key

ГДЗ Solutions Intermediate Workbook (3rd edition) answer key



4D Grammar

Imaginary situations

Exercise 1 page 43
1 worked

2 would make

3 did

4 gave

5 got
6 didn’t spend

7 wouldn’t believe

Exercise 2 page 43
1 was

2 would be

3 knew

4 wouldn’t be

5 had
6 would be able to

7 wouldn’t be

8 weren’t
9 brought

10 would use

Exercise 3 page 43
2 If I lived in a detached house, I could play my musicreally loud.

3 If we had a nine-bedroom mansion, wewould invite lots of friends and family to stay.

4 If our flat wasn’t so small, my parents would allow me tohave a pet.

5 If I closed my bedroom shutters at night,I wouldn’t wake up early in the morning.

6 If they had afence, their dog wouldn’t keep running away.

7 If theywere interested in gardening, their flowerbeds wouldn’tbe a mess.

8 If I didn’t share a bedroom with my brother,I could watch TV at night.

9 If our house wasn’t near anairport, it wouldn’t be noisy in the garden.

Exercise 4 page 43
1 would give

2 would turn

3 was / were

4 lived
5 would leave

6 was / were

7 would snow


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