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Обкладинка ГДЗ Solutions Intermediate Workbook (3rd edition) answer key

ГДЗ Solutions Intermediate Workbook (3rd edition) answer key



4C Listening

Young and homeless

Exercise 1 page 42
1 make, effort

2 get, touch

3 turn, eye
4 have, word

5 time, life

6 give, hand

Exercise 2 page 42
1 b

2 b

3 b

4 a


1 I got a new bed two weeks ago, and to be honest, I don’tthink I’ve had a good night’s sleep since I got it!

2 I’ve got a new next-door neighbour. I saw him carryingsome chairs into his flat last night. I was just going out, soI didn’t have time to have a word with him.

3 I’m sorry, my husband is on a camping trip in themountains this weekend. There’s no way to get in touchwith him until Monday.

4 I couldn’t take part in the race last weekend. I made a bigeffort to get fit for it, but I wasn’t ready – and 42 km isa long way!


Exercise 3 page 42

1 d (increase sharply)

2 f (require assistance)

3 a (gain employment)

4 b (at the moment)

5 c (a high priority)

6 e (suggest something)


Exercise 4 page 42

Number 1 require assistance; currently; a high priority

Number 2 increase sharply; gain employment; makea proposal



1 Woman Can I help you?

Man Yes, I’d like an application form for housing benefit.

W Certainly. This is the form you need.

M Thank you. Do I return it to you?W No, you don’t. You need to complete the form and thensend it by post to the local authority. But if you requireassistance in completing the form, we can offer that here.

M Thank you.W Is there anything else?

M Yes, there is one thing. Is there currently a long delay?I need the money quite urgently.

W All new applications are treated as a high priority. Thereshouldn’t be a delay of more than a week.

M Thank you. You’ve been very helpful.

2 Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to this eventorganised by Rooftops, our local charity for homelesspeople. I know that many of you are regular supporters ofour charity and we are extremely grateful for that support.

Without it, we simply couldn’t do the work we need to do. As many of you are aware, there are over a hundred peoplewho regularly sleep rough in our town centre. You probablygive money to some of them. And I know that many of youalso show your support in ways that do not involve money:for example, talking to them, giving advice, treating themas human beings. But we all know that there is only onelong-term solution to their problem: they need a job. That iswhy today, I am appealing for money for our charity’s newproject called Back to Work. This project has one main aim:to help homeless people to gain employment. But I’m nothere just to ask for money: I’m here to make a proposal –I want you to become our partners.

3 Last year, I took part in the Big Sleep Out with a group offriends from school. I was quite anxious about it, to behonest. The weather forecast said the temperature was goingto be –4°Celsius that night! In fact, I was so worried that Ialmost didn’t turn up – but I didn’t want to let my friendsdown. So I found all my warmest clothes – I had about fourjumpers on! And I borrowed my brother’s sleeping bag. Andin fact, I wasn’t cold at all. Well, only my face. But it was fine.We had a great time because there were about fifty peopledoing the Sleep Out altogether and we knew quite a few ofthem. And the fact that it was freezing cold made us feel likewe had really achieved something.


Exercise 5 page 42
1 a

2 a

3 c

See exercise 4.


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