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Обкладинка ГДЗ Solutions Intermediate Workbook (3rd edition) answer key

ГДЗ Solutions Intermediate Workbook (3rd edition) answer key



4B Grammar


Exercise 1 page 41
2 more and more popular

3 taller and taller
4 more and more expensive

5 more and more confident
6 sillier and sillier


Exercise 2 page 41
1 The journey was longer than I thought.
2 The flat was more spacious than it appeared.
3 The weather here is hotter than it was in Greece.
4 The house is much more dilapidated than it used to be.
5 My grandad is shorter now than he was as a young man.
6 This area isn’t as popular as it was five years ago.


Exercise 3 page 41
1 longer; e more tired

2 more spacious; a more expensive
3 faster; d more likely

4 more carefully; c fewer
5 longer; b more impatient

Exercise 4 page 41
2 This is the remotest region of the UK I’ve ever visited.
3 Those are the most expensive jeans I’ve ever bought.
4 That is the most charming cottage I’ve ever stayed in.
5 This is the liveliest area of town I’ve ever lived in.
6 That is the prettiest flowerbed I’ve ever seen.

Exercise 5 page 41
1 the least

2 less

3 the fewest

4 less

5 the least
6 the least

7 fewer

8 less

Exercise 6 page 41
1 slower, the slowest

2 harder, the hardest
3 more fluently, the most fluently

4 faster, the fastest
5 better, the best


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