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Обкладинка ГДЗ Solutions Intermediate Workbook (3rd edition) answer key

ГДЗ Solutions Intermediate Workbook (3rd edition) answer key



6B Grammar

Defining relative clauses

Exercise 1 page 63
1 where

2 whose

3 where

4 which

5 who

6 who

Exercise 2 page 63
1 who

2 whose

3 which / that

4 where
5 that / which

6 where

7 that

Exercise 3 page 63
1 ✓

2 This is the town where I was born.

3 That’s the woman who dropped her handbag.

4 The cheese which I bought smells/smelt really bad.

5 That’s the boy whose dad is a newsagent.

6 Where’s the book which I left on the table?


Exercise 4 page 63

2 Jo has an expensive car which she keeps in the garage.

3 Who’s that man who’s looking at us?

4 I opened thecupboard where we keep the glasses.

5 That’s the girlwho I saw you with.

6 Who is the boy whose homeworkyou copied?

7 Website designer is a job which attracts alot of young people.


Exercise 5 page 63

2 where we stayed last summer?

3 who you introducedme to a few days ago?

4 I wore to Beth’s party.

5 whoshows lots of initiative?

6 which is on the shelf in theliving room?

7 whose husband works in France?

8 where you met Sam?


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