ГДЗ Solutions Intermediate Workbook (3rd edition) answer key
3C Listening
The body’s limits
Exercise 1 $ 1.14 page 32
1 c
2 a
3 a
4 c
5 b
6 c
7 c
8 a
1 150,000
2 3.7 million
3 2.07
4 three tenths
5 30.5%
6 20–25
7 –25°C
8 1930
Exercise 3 $ 1.15 page 32
1 2 million
2 100,000
3 10%, 90%
4 2%, 1/5
5 0.5°C
6 30,000
7 206
8 1.27
9 20–22; 15–16
1 Your body makes 2 million new blood cells every second.
2 There are nearly 100,000 kilometres of blood vessels in an average adult body.
3 Only 10% of the cells in our body are human; the other 90% are bacteria.
4 Your brain is only 2% of your body’s weight, but it uses one fifth of the oxygen.
5 Your temperature is usually about 0.5°C lower in the morning than in the evening.
6 Blondes have about 30,000 more hairs on their head than people with black hair.
7 Adult humans have 206 bones, but newborn babies have a lot more.
8 The smallest muscle in the body is inside the ear; it is only 1.27 millimetres long.
9 Men usually stop growing when they are 20–22 years old, women when they are 15–16.
Exercise 5 $ 1.16 page 32
Summary c is correct.
The incorrect parts of the other options are:
a Nobody found her for several hours. When she arrived at the hospital, she came back to life.
b Anna tried to rescue a colleague who had an accident in the mountains.
Exercise 6 $ 1.16 page 32
1 F About two thirds of people whose body temperature drops to below 28°C do not survive.
2 T
3 F The second rescue team cut a hole in the ice and pulled her out.
4 F Anna’s body temperature was 13.7°C when she arrived at the hospital.
5 T
See exercise 5.