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Обкладинка ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key

ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key



9B In confidence page 76

1. 1 boost 6 betray
2 crop 7 give
3 fall 8 turn
4 prise 9 feign
5 get


3. 2, 4, 6, 9

4. 1 c

2 a

3 b

5. 1 She has had to promise not to reveal the secret.
2 She has been kept ignorant / She hasn’t been told.
3 She looked at me in a very angry way.

6. 1 Have a think about it.
2 I didn’t mean to cause offence.
3 He came to the conclusion that he had made a mistake.
4 She dropped a / the hint that it was time for me to leave.
5 Can we have a talk?
6 He’s made / taken the decision to resign.
7 Let me have / take a look at your swollen ankle.
8 Give me a call on my mobile.
9 I could do with having / taking a rest.
10 It’s time you did some revision.

7. 1 Fancy coming for a jog? Can’t be bothered. Promise.
2 Still working at the shop? Last I heard, it was Canada. Typical!
3 Another drink? OK, see you soon. Will do.
4 Mind if I close the window? No, chilly in here, isn’t it?

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