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Обкладинка ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key

ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key



8G A report page 72

1. 1 side
2 do
3 If

4 the least

5 exactly

6 tendency


2. 1 insight
2 single out
3 boasts
4 reputation
5 throw
6 array

7 lacks

8 makes up

9 renowned

10 somewhat

11 showcases

12 unreasonable


3. 1 it’s too commercial / it’s a little on the commercial side
2 the tickets are ridiculously pricey / the tickets are a little pricey to say the least
3 the main tent gets horribly crowded / the main tent does have a tendency to get crowded
4 the layout is extremely confusing / the layout is a little on the confusing side
5 the sound system is poor / the sound system could do with an overhaul
6 the toilets are disgusting / the toilets aren’t exactly clean

4. Students’ own answers


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