ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key
8F Stimulus-based discussion page 71
2. 1 rocket
2 fluctuate
3 creep up
4 remain stable
5 tail off
6 plummet
3. 1 give
2 form, home
3 something like
4 strikes
5 tendency, embrace
6 trend, towards
4. a 35–54
b over 65
c 13–17
Transcript WB 17
This chart shows the result of a survey into the age profile of people who use the Internet on their mobile phones. According to the chart, the vast majority of people who access the Internet from their phones are in the 35–54 age bracket. I guess these are the people who can afford this expensive service and I expect a lot of them are using their phones for work purposes, to send e-mails and things like that. The second largest user group are the 25–34 year olds who make up about 25% of people who use the Internet on their mobile phones. Again, that’s quite predictable as you’d expect young professionals to be using the latest technology. The chart indicates that very few people over the age of 65 use the Internet while on the move, which is hardly surprising given that the display is very small and difficult to read if you are long-sighted, and roughly equal numbers of 13–17-yearolds and 18–24-year-olds use it.
5. Students’ own answers