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Обкладинка ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key

ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key



10B Threats to our planet page 84

1. 1 degrade
2 landfill
3 thermostat
4 emissions
5 pavements
6 tap

7 exported

8 greenhouse gases

9 seats

10 altitude

11 species

12 deforestation

2. 1 addressing
2 stockpile
3 assess

4 combat

5 bring in

6 decommissioned


3. 1 However many times you ask me, the answer is still going to be No!
2 Whoever arrives at the station first will buy the tickets.
3 Whenever he speaks to her he blushes.
4 Whatever she wears, she always looks chic.
5 However cheeky it seems, I think you should ask for a lift.
6 Whichever presidential candidate wins, they will have a tough job on their hands.

1 wherever
2 whatever
3 whichever

4 however

5 whenever

6 whoever


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