ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key
10D Immortality page 86–87
1. 1 ill
2 un
3 mal
4 in
5 de
6 less
7 non
8 un
9 im
2. 2
3. 1 T … the question of life and death has always preoccupied mankind
2 F he is mortal
3 F ... not only because of his exploits, but because the Greek ideas of heroism, courage and loyalty are still valid today.
4 T Burdened with the responsibility … Hamlet feels trapped. / …. suicide would be a way of escaping the pressures he’s subjected to.
5 F But would it? What happens after death … would he have to face the tortures of hell?
6 F Nobody doubted that there was an afterlife.
7 T ... he becomes cut off from his family, friends and society.
8 T The book was also seen as a criticism of how scientists were detached from society, with little concern for the consequences of their work.
4. 1 an exploit
2 epic poem
3 glory
4 avenging
5 a rampage
6 remorse
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