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Обкладинка ГДЗ Solutions B1 Exam Preparation (2nd edition Ukraine) answer key

ГДЗ Solutions B1 Exam Preparation (2nd edition Ukraine) answer key


Unit 3 A Good Job


Exercise 1

1 will

2 doesn’t have to

3 will

4 mustn’t

5 will

6 have to

7 will

8 ought to

9 can

Exercise 2

1 for

2 with

3 in with

4 for

5 from

6 about

7 to


Exercise 3

1 emails, the phone, questions

2 a manual job, paperwork, shift work

3 hard, nine to five, part time

4 good money, Ј10 per hour, a salary

5 creative, energetic, positive

Exercise 4

Possible answers

1 badly-paid, boring, repetitive, tedious

2 badly-paid, boring, repetitive, tedious

3 challenging, exciting, highly skilled, rewarding

4 challenging, demanding, motivating, responsible, rewarding

5 challenging, demanding, highly skilled, rewarding

6 challenging, demanding, highly skilled, rewarding

7 challenging, demanding, stressful

8 badly-paid, challenging, demanding, highly skilled, motivating, responsible, rewarding, stressful

9 badly-paid, challenging, demanding, motivating, responsible, rewarding, stressful

10 challenging, demanding, exciting, responsible, well-paid

Exercise 5

1 come

2 lay

3 ended

4 get

5 cut

6 turn

7 calls

8 come

9 cut

10 is taken up

11 set

12 take

Word formation

Exercise 6

1 disgraceful

2 illiterate

3 immoral

4 incomprehensible

5 unwrap

6 irresistible

Writing: A job application

Exercise 7

Possible answers

1 patience, creativity, reliability, enthusiasm, kindness, trustworthiness

2 organising/assisting with programmes and camps for children

Exercise 8

2 Because she considers she is a good candidate for the job: she has the right personality and experience and she would be the ideal person to be in charge of sporting activities for the children.

Exercise 9

1 apply for

2 to be

3 ideal person

4 to attend

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