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ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Несвіт А.М. 2018 рік (Нова програма)

ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас


Unit 9. School Life (Lessons 9-10)

Page. 198 Ex. 1
We usually learn new words and write the dictations. Our teacher often tells us about people’s traditions in Great Britain and in the USA. We often recite 'British and American poems. We like to listen to and sing songs in English.

Page. 198 Ex. 2
1) а;
2) d;
3) с;
4) b.

Page. 199 Ex. 4
1 Dan likes his English lessons because he always gets good marks.
2. Mary likes her English lessons because she enjoys doing class projects with her friends.
3. Nick thinks that his English lessons are difficult because he has problems with spelling and pronunciation.
4 Diana doesn't like her English lessons because her teacher gives them a lot of homework every day.

Page. 199 Ex. 5
English is interesting because the textbook is nice and our teacher knows the subject well. English is boring because we often write many exercises, tests, stories and compositions. English is difficult because there is a lot of writing and learning by heart. And the homework sometimes is too large.

Page. 199 Ex. 7
A: Do you like your English lessons?
B: Yes, I think they are fantastic! We study a lot during the lessons, but the information we get is always very interesting and useful.
A: What do you do at your English lessons?
B: We do different exercises in our textbooks and exercise books, read different texts about Great Britain and the USA, learn new words, write dictations and compositions, act out the dialogues, listen to and sing songs in English and do many other useful things. Do you like your English lessons?
A: I think they are difficult and boring. My teacher gives us a lot of homework every day. And I have problems with writing compositions.
B: I can help you with your English.
A: It would be great! Thank you.

Page. 200 Ex. 8
1. I know English and Ukrainian languages.
2. I started learning English in the second form.
3. Yes, I can understand English well.
4. Yes, I can read and write English.
5. I learn English because many people all over the world speak it.
6. No, I don't, but I wish to.
7. Yes, I have a pen-friend from the USA.

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