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Обкладинка ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Несвіт А.М. 2018 рік (Нова програма)

ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Несвіт А.М. 2018 рік (Нова програма)

ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас


Unit 8. Holidays and Traditions (Lesson 10)

Page. 179 Ex. 1
1) on;
2) before;
3) out;
4) on;
5) out;
6) of;
7) in;
8) of;
9) into;
10) until;
11) to.

Page. 179 Ex. 2
1. Who invited their friends to the tea party?
2. People of what countries have their own traditions?
3. When do Ukrainians celebrate Easter?

Page. 179 Ex. 3
1) got;
2) invited,
3) decorated;
4) already drew;
5) made;
6) sent.

Page. 180 Ex. 1
1. There is a tradition to have a New Year party at school.
2. We usually decorate our classroom with colourful lights, toys and other decorations for the New Year party.
3. We usually prepare small presents for our classmates.
4. Last year there was the best celebration of New Year at school.

Page. 180 Ex. 2
Mr. Bear gave Mrs Bear the biggest jar of honey with the label "To My Valentine".

Page. 180 Ex. 4
I like to celebrate Mother's Day. It comes on the second Sunday in May. It is the day when people honour their mothers. It is a custom to wear a red or pink flower if one's mother is living, and a white flower if one’s mother is dead. I made a greeting card for my mother last year. And my father took the whole family to a restaurant for dinner. My mother was very happy to get such presents.

Page. 180 Ex. 5
1) bed;
2) outside;
3) beautiful;
4) breakfast;
5) school;
6) teacher;
7) surprise;
8) sad;
9) work;
10) today;
11) calendar;
12) Holidays.

Page. 181 Ex. 3
1) Mrs. Bear;
2) Little Bear;
3) Mrs. Bear;
4) Little Bear;
5) Mr. Bear

Page. 182 Ex. 4
1) on;
2) with;
3) outside;
4) of honey; up;
5) of; in; on;
6) down; for; on

Page. 182 Ex. 5
1) today; label;
2) brought; door; walk; all;
3) postal; envelope; window; go; open; roses; so;
4) now; out; pow; outside; down;
5) once; wonder; just; something; honey; up; somebody; hug;
6) heart; mark; jar; garden; path; large; are;
7) see; tea; sweet;
8) has; who; he; honey; hug, have; hot.

Page. 182 Ex. 6
1) Valentine's;
2) card; envelope;
3) mark;
4) jar; honey;
5) hug;
6) breakfast.

Page. 182 Ex. 7
It was my friend’s birthday, i decided to give her a present, i bought a beautiful frame and put her photo in it. She is very beautiful in that photo. I also bought a big bouquet of her favourite daffodils She was happy to get that present. She put that ohoto on the table in her room.

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