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Обкладинка ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Несвіт А.М. 2018 рік (Нова програма)

ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Несвіт А.М. 2018 рік (Нова програма)

ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас


Unit 9. School Life (Lesson 1)

Page. 184 Ex. 1
1. I use a pencil at the lessons.
2. I use a school bag at the lessons.
3. I use a textbook at the lessons.
4. I use an exercise book at the lessons.
5. I use a watch at the lessons.
6. I use a ruler at the lessons.
7. I use a CD at the lessons.
8. I use an eraser at the lessons.
9. I use a pencil box at the lessons.
10. I use a pair of scissors at the lessons.
11. I use a bottle of glue at the lessons.
12. I use a marker at the lessons.
13. I use a stapler at the lessons.
14. I use a diary at the lessons.
15. I use a dictionary at the lessons.
16. I use a pencil sharpener at the lessons.
17. I don’t use a toy car at the lessons,
18. I don't use a doll at the lessons,
19. I don’t use a sweet at the lessons.
20. I don't use a ball at the lessons.

Page. 184 Ex. 2
1. I see a pencil box. It's Number 1.
2. I see a bottle of glue. It’s Number 2.
3. I see an exercise book. It's Number 3.
4. I see a pen. It's Number 4.
5. I see a marker. It’s Number 5.
6. I see a ruler. It’s Number 6.
7. I see a pair of scissors. It’s Number 7.
8. I see a textbook. It's Number 8.
9. I see a school bag. It's Number 9.
10. I see a stapler. It’s Number 10.
11. I see an eraser. It’s Number 11.

Page. 185 Ex. 4
1) write; a pen;
2) stick; glue;
3) read; a textbook;
4) keep; a pencil box,
5) rub; a rubber;
6) carry; a school bag.

Page. 186 Ex. 5
1. Do you always keep your pens, pencils, rulers and erasers in a pencil box? — Yes, I do. What do you always keep in a pencil box?— My pens, pencils, rulers and erasers.
2. Did your mother stick three things together with the glue ten minutes ago? — No, she didn’t What did your mother do ten minutes ago? — She stuck three things together with the glue ten minutes ago.
3. Did he cut his textbook with the scissors in the evening yesterday? — No, he didn’t. When did he cut his textbook with the scissors? — He did it in the evening yesterday.
4. Do all children of our class keep their textbooks and their exercise books in their bags? — Yes, they do. Where do all children of our class keep their textbooks and their exercise books? — In their bags.
5. Did you carry your textbooks to the library yesterday? — No, we didn’t. What did you carry to the library yesterday? — Our textbooks.
6. Did pupils write a dictation with their pens last week? — Yes, they did. What did pupils write with their pens last week? — They wrote a dictation.

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