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Обкладинка ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Несвіт А.М. 2018 рік (Нова програма)

ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Несвіт А.М. 2018 рік (Нова програма)

ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас


Unit 3. Food (Lesson 2)

Page. 54 Ex. 1
1. For breakfast she has got a bowi of com flakes with milk and jam, a cup of tea and a slice of bread with jam.
2. For lunch she has got a bowl of soup, a slice of bread with butter, mashed potato with fish and vegetables and a glass of water.
3 For dinner she has got some crisps with chicken and vegetables, a bowl of salad and a cup of tea with a piece of cake.

Page. 55 Ex. 2
1) с;
2) е;
3) а;
4) b.

Page. 55 Ex. З
1) Neither Jane nor Alex;
2) Alex;
3) Alex;
4) Jane;
5) Jane;
6) Alex.

Page. 56 Ex. 4
1) a lot of;
2) much;
3) many;
4) a lot of;
5) much;
6) much.

Page. 56 Ex. 6
I eat fruit and vegetables every day. Most of all I like apples and bananas. Apples grow in our region, so it is easy to buy them. My favourite vegetable is an eggplant. My mother cooks delicious dishes with it. She often buys bananas, apples and eggplants at the local supermarket or at the market place.

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