OneGDZ » ДПА » ДПА 9 клас 2020 » ДПА Англійська мова (Збірник завдань) 9 клас Константинова О.М., Володіна Л.Л. 2020 рік
Обкладинка ДПА Англійська мова (Збірник завдань) 9 клас Константинова О.М., Володіна Л.Л. 2020 рік

ДПА Англійська мова (Збірник завдань) 9 клас Константинова О.М., Володіна Л.Л. 2020 рік



Test 4

Task 1. You will hear two people talking about a problem. Listen and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

1. Megan and Sara go to the same school.

2. Megan’s friend is gossiping about Megan.

3. Sarah suggests that Megan ignore her friend.

4. Megan refuses to phone her friend.

5. Sara thinks Megan should tell her friend how she feels.


Task 2. Read the text. Choose one of the variants A, B or C.

1. What country did the taxi-driver live in?
C France
2. How did A.Conan Doyle get to the hotel?
C by car
3. Where did A. Conan Doyle come to Paris from?
B the south of France
4. How did the driver learn the nationality of A. Conan Doyle?
A by appearance
5. Did A. Conan Doyle have long or short hair?
B short


Task 3. Read the text. Choose one of the variants A, B, C or D.

The famous circus, Cirque du Soleil, is known all over the world. It started performing in Montreal, Canada. It was organized (1)B by the Canadian Guy Laliberte in 1984. The first show was a striking, dramatic mix of circus arts (without animals) and street performance that featured magical lighting and original music. He named it Cirque du Soleil because, in his own words, “The sun symbolizes youth, energy, and strength.” After leaving college, Laliberte travelled all over Europe earning money (2)C playing music in the open air. After returning home, he began Cirque with (3)B his friend, Daniel Gauthier. In the 1990s, Cirque quickly expanded. It now shows the performances (4)B all over the world and the stuff working for it has grown from 73 to (5)A more than 3,500. The Cirque does not work with animals, but (6)C there is music and dance and each show is like a story. The Cirque performs (7)A to the delight of locals and visitors.


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