OneGDZ » ДПА » ДПА 9 клас 2020 » ДПА Англійська мова (Збірник завдань) 9 клас Константинова О.М., Володіна Л.Л. 2020 рік
Обкладинка ДПА Англійська мова (Збірник завдань) 9 клас Константинова О.М., Володіна Л.Л. 2020 рік

ДПА Англійська мова (Збірник завдань) 9 клас Константинова О.М., Володіна Л.Л. 2020 рік



Test 44

Task 1. You will hear doctor Matthew Belmont. For questions choose the best answer A, В or C.

1. What does Dr Belmont study?

A Countries.

В Villages.

C Cities.

2. Which was not mentioned by Dr Belmont as a specific topic of his talk?

A Healthcare.

В Pollution.

C Crime.

3. Where do people live longer?

A In the cities.

В In the country.

C Both in the cities and in the country.

4. What is the difference in number of mobile phones snatched in Manchester in 2003 compared to 2002?

A 400.

В 600.

C 900.

5. What should people do to improve the environmental situation, according to Dr Bel- mont’s talk?

A People should pay special taxes.

В People shouldn’t bring their cars into city centres.

C People must use public transport.


Task 2. Read the article and match the title A -F to each paragraph 1 -5 . There is one extra title.

1D, 2E, 3F, 4A, 5B


Task 3. Read the text. Choose one of the variants A, B, C or D.

1C, 2B, 3B, 4C, 5D, 6A, 7D, 8A, 9B, 10B

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