OneGDZ » ДПА » ДПА 9 клас 2020 » ДПА Англійська мова (Збірник завдань) 9 клас Константинова О.М., Володіна Л.Л. 2020 рік
Обкладинка ДПА Англійська мова (Збірник завдань) 9 клас Константинова О.М., Володіна Л.Л. 2020 рік

ДПА Англійська мова (Збірник завдань) 9 клас Константинова О.М., Володіна Л.Л. 2020 рік



Test 38

Task 1. You will hear a radio interview with someone talking about natural cleaning products. For each question choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

1. Barbara White is    
A a radio host.    C a housewife.
B a TV presenter.    D a cleaner.
2. The interviewer is surprised by the use of vinegar as
A a bath cleaner.    
B a kitchen counter cleaner.    
C a window cleaner.    
D a fabric softener.    
3. Barbara recommends toothpaste for cleaning
A brass.    C stainless steel.
B copper.    D silver.
4. Lemon peel can be used to clean    
A the microwave.    C kitchen cupboards.
B pans.    D carpets.
v t
5. To make a carpet smell fresh, Barbara says to use
A soda water.    C cornflour.
B baking soda.    ’ D vinegar and water.

Task 2 Read the text and decide if the sentences are T (true) or F (false).

1 The Aborigines originally came from Europe. FALSE
2 They were farmers who settled on the territory for a long time. FALSE
3 There is no written Aboriginal language. TRUE
4 Europeans destroyed their traditional way of life. TRUE
5 No Aboriginal art or artifacts survive. FALSE


Task 3. Read the text. Choose one of the variants A, B, C or D.

1C, 2D, ЗА, 4B, 5C, 6B, 7A, 8D, 9B, 10A


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