OneGDZ » ДПА » ДПА 9 клас 2020 » ДПА Англійська мова (Збірник завдань) 9 клас Константинова О.М., Володіна Л.Л. 2020 рік
Обкладинка ДПА Англійська мова (Збірник завдань) 9 клас Константинова О.М., Володіна Л.Л. 2020 рік

ДПА Англійська мова (Збірник завдань) 9 клас Константинова О.М., Володіна Л.Л. 2020 рік



Test 17

Task 1. You will hear a teacher talking to a school assembly. For each question (1-5) choose the correct answer (A, B, Cor D).

1. What is the purpose of the announcement?

A To inform students about an upcoming school trip.

B To provide information about a national contest.

C To promote the school’s science fair.

D To encourage students to follow a career in science.

2. What field of science did the previous years’ winner explore?

A Space.

B Energy.

C Medicine.

D Robotics.

3. What must students do if they want to be considered for the competition?

A Gather funding for their project.

B Complete an application form.

C Write a proposal to the school.

D Send a report or film to the judges.

4. During which month does the science fair take place?

A March.

B September.

C October.

D December.

5. What does the teacher mean when he says, “Think outside the box and produce some- thing to be proud of”?

A Students should disregard the rules of the competition.

B Students should use the knowledge they have acquired Outside of school.

C Students should be imaginative with their ideas.

D Students should dedicate a great deal of time to their projects.


Task 2. Read the text and decide if the sentences are T (true) or F (false).

1. Europeans consider they live longer than the Japanese. FALSE
2. The Japanese experience more stress than western people. FALSE
3. The Japanese diet differs from the European one. TRUE
4. Europeans eat more vegetables than the Japanese. FALSE
5. When in Europe, the Japanese discover the bad sides of western national food. FALSE


Task 3. Read the text. Choose one of the variants A, B, C or D.

Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 and died in 1519. In (1) D his lifetime, this extraordinary man was a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer.

Leonardo the artist painted two of the (2) B most famous paintings o f all time: the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He (3) C worked as an artist for a number of years before he became (4) A interested in science and engineering.

He wrote descriptions (5) C of the natural world and made many drawings of human anatomy, which he kept in his journals. (6) B What was curious about these descriptions was the fact that Leonardo wrote (7) A them in mirror-image, which means you can only read them with the help of a mirror.


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