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Обкладинка ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key

ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key



1E Phrasal verbs page 8

1. 1 go ahead

2 fall through

3 tip off

4 mistake for

5 come to

6 bring about

7 go down with

8 come up with

2. 1 bring about

2 fall through

3 tip off

4 come up with

5 go ahead

6 go down with

7 come to

8 mistake for

3. 1 Laura was offered a place at Manchester University but she turned it down.
2 Whilst some people are in favour of the monarchy, others think we should do away with it.
3 I keep meaning to sort out my photos but I never get round to it.
4 After my boyfriend broke off our relationship I bought some new clothes to cheer myself up.
5 My father was offered a job in New York but after thinking it over he decided not to go for it.


4. 1 let me down

2 been thrown away

3 brought up

4 to put up with

5 be looked after

6 drop me off

7 to lay off

8 turned up


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