ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key
5B Family tensions page 40
1. 1 F
2 T
3 F
WB 10
On the whole, I don’t argue too muchwith my older sister, Tilly. I think it’sgot a lot to do with my temperament — Ihate confrontation and avoid it like theplague. Having said that, there did useto be a little bit of friction between us.When she was younger she beggedand begged our mum for a baby sisterto play with but when I came alongshe found it quite hard because shesuddenly had to vie for our parents’attention. To be quite frank, I thinkshe wished I hadn’t been born! Butshe eventually got used to me beingaround and clearly loves me to bitsnow. She still has major rows with ourparents sometimes, and I think thefact that I rarely get into conflict withthem still makes her a little jealous ofour relationship sometimes. But that’ssibling rivalry for you — it’s very hardto avoid!
2. 1 plague
2 friction between
3 vie for
4 loves, bits
5 into conflict
6 sibling
3. 1 constructive
2 upsetting
3 destructive
4 endless
5 animated
6 heated
7 slammed
8 raised
9 Oddly
10 draining
11 disrespectful
12 strengthen
4. 1 It’s time for them to start beinghonest with each other.
2 It’s essential for you to standyour ground in an argument.
3 My parents are very keen for meto be a good role model for mybrother.
4 It would be a miracle for them tomanage a day without arguing.
5 It’s crucial for you to apologisefor your rudeness.
6 It’d be better for me not to getinto a row with Tamsin — shehates conflict.
5. Students’ own answers
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