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Обкладинка ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key

ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key



2C Arthur Miller and All my sons page 13

1. 1 dramatist
2 immigrant
3 experienced
4 hardship
5 overemphasis
6 status
7 prestigious
8 awards
9 guilty
10 undermining
11 sympathies
12 verdict

2. That he was responsible not only for his family but also to wider society.

3. 1 set

2 tells

3 made

4 during / in

5 who

6 over

7 on

8 on

9 for

10 that

11 only / just

12 why


4. 1 Because the planes they were flying had faulty parts which caused them to crash.
2 He says he did it for his family and for Chris’s future.
3 Because although the pilots are prepared to give their lives in the service of their country, their deaths are a result of Joe’s lack of a sense of service to wider society.
4 They were horrified by it.
5 Both attack the ‘American Dream’ as a way of life with its overemphasis on making money.

5. 1 protagonist

2 exonerated

3 deceit

4 livelihood

5 integrity

6 reiterated


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