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Обкладинка ГДЗ Робочий зошит з англійської мови 5 клас Карп’юк О.Д. 2018 рік

ГДЗ Робочий зошит з англійської мови 5 клас Карп’юк О.Д. 2018 рік

ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас



Lesson 3. Favourite subject

Ex. 1 p. 14



School Subjects:







table tennis
















Ex. 2 p. 14

1. j Ukrainian — Shevchenko is a great poet.

2. c History — World War I

3. k Maths — Ten plus seventeen is twenty-seven.

4. e Geography — The Dnipro is a river.

5. a English — The Present Continuous

6. h Science — A tiger can swim

7. d Religion — Our Father who is in heaven ...

8. b Physical Education — Ready, steady, go!

9. f Music — My favourite composer is Mozart.

10. g Foreign language — Ich liebe dich

11. i Art — Draw this vase with flowers.


Ex. 3 p.15

Lesson Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 French Geography Maths Geography PE
2 English English Science English Maths
3 PE Art PE History Biology
Lesson Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
4 Maths Art French Religion IT
5 History Music Biology Craft  


Ex. 4 p. 15

1. I like Maths because it is interesting.

2. I like PE because it is fun.

3. I don’t like Science because it is difficult.

4. I don’t like Religion because it is boring.


Ex. 6 p. 16

Ten is an even number.

Fifteen is an odd number.

Twenty-six is an even number.

Fifty-five is an odd number.

A thousand is an even number.

Six hundred and fifty-one is an odd number.


Ex. 7 b) p. 17

1. How old Mary?

2. Is she stupid or clever?

3. Is she the best pupil in her class?

4. What's her favorite subject?

5. Can she write good stories?

6. Has she got a dog or a cat?

7. Is she good at sports or action?


Ex. 7 c) p. 17

1. Mary is ten.

2. She is clever.

3. Yes, she is. She is the best pupil in her class.

4. Her favorite subject is English.

5. Yes, she can.

6. She's got a little cat.

7. She is good at action.


Ex. 8 b) p. 18

1. Her name is Tina.

2. She is ten.

3. She is not very good pupil.

4. She likes art.

5. She doesn’t like English and Maths.

6. Her favorite subject is PE.

7. She can run fast, play basketball and table tennis


Ex. 9 а) р. 18

1. Art

2. Craft

3. Compuretscience

4. Maths

5. Music

6. Science

7. Religion

8. English


Ex. 9 b) p. 18

My favorite subject is Maths.
I also like science.
I don't like PE.


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