ГДЗ Solutions Pre-Intermediate Workbook (2nd edition Ukraine)
7C Giving and receiving
Exercise 1 page 62
1 Twelfth Night
2 Valentine’s Day
3 St Patrick’s Day
4 Father’s Day
5 Halloween
6 Guy Fawkes Night
7 Christmas Day
8 Boxing Day
9 New Year’s Eve
Exercise 2 page 62
1 They killed him because he was a Christian.
2 It became a Christian celebration in ad 496.
3 It became a special day for people in love in the Middle Ages.
4 It started in the nineteenth century.
5 Cheap post allowed people to send love notes secretly.
6 They started making special Valentine’s cards.
Exercise 3 LISTENING 32 page 62
1 This year I got more than one Valentine. Three, in fact. The best one was definitely from my boyfriend. He didn’t write his name on it, but I recognized his handwriting. The next one was from my dad! It was a jokey one, and it was very funny. He didn’t write his name either, but I know it was him. The third one is a mystery. I’ve never had a secret Valentine before.
2 There’s this girl I really like in my class. I’m quite shy when I speak to her, so she probably doesn’t know that I like her. I’m not really into Valentine’s Day and all that, but I sent her a card. In fact, it’s the first Valentine’s card I’ve sent. I didn’t sign my name on the card, so she still doesn’t know. I watched her in class yesterday. She showed my card to her friends. Then she looked at me and smiled. Did she guess the card was from me? I don’t know.
3 I sent two Valentine’s card this year – one was to a boy that I know. I spent a long time making it. Then I wrote a poem in it. I didn’t want to buy a card. I wanted it to be different, because I really like him. I hope that he likes me too. He sometimes stops and talks to me. It’s usually about homework or something. He didn’t send me a Valentine though. The other one I sent was to my granddad!
4 There’s this girl in the year below me who seems to like me a lot. The card I got might be from her. I think I know her handwriting. I feel terrible because I don’t feel the same way about her. She’s nice, but I only like her as a friend. I really like her sister, though. The card could be from her, but it probably isn’t.
a 2
b 1
c 4
d 3
e 1
Exercise 4 LISTENING 32 page 62
Students’ own answers