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Обкладинка ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key

ГДЗ Solutions Advanced Workbook (2nd edition) answer key



6E Reporting structures page 52

1. 1 a Sue congratulated me on getting such good grades in my exams.
2 e Kate begged me not to leave her there alone.
3 b The phone company threatened to disconnect my line if the bill wasn’t paid within seven days.
4 f Jack accused me of lying to him.
5 c Phoebe apologised for putting her foot in it the day before / yesterday.
6 d Daniel recommended taking the bus.
7 h Marcus warned me not to stroke the dog as he can be vicious.
8 g Liam claimed that he hadn’t taken / didn’t take my wallet on purpose.

2. 1 Natalie complimented James on his new hairstyle.
2 Nigel confirmed his willingness to help fix Angela’s scooter.
3 Jamie enquired after Liz’s health.
4 Martin expressed his apologies for breaking Mrs Jones’ car mirror.
5 Rachel declined Steve’s invitation to dinner.
6 Robin boasted about his running ability.

3. 1 callously
2 sympathetically
3 sarcastically
4 sharply
5 defiantly
6 resignedly


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