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Обкладинка ГДЗ Solutions Elementary Workbook (2nd edition) answer key

ГДЗ Solutions Elementary Workbook (2nd edition) answer key



Unit I


1A Meeting people

Exercise 1 | LISTENING 2 page 4
Iris Hi, Annaliese. How are you?
Annaliese Fine, thanks, Iris. And you?
Iris I'm fine too. Annaliese, this is Giacomo. He's from America.
Annaliese Hi, nice to meet you.
Giacomo And you. Where are you from, Annaliese?
Annaliese I'm from Australia.
Giacomo And how old are you?
Annaliese I'm seventeen. What about you?
Giacomo I'm seventeen too.
Annaliese How do you spell your name?
Giacomo G-I-A-C-O-M-O.

2 Fine, thanks, Iris. And you?
3 I'm fine too. Annaliese, this is Giacomo. He's from America.
5 And you. Where are you from, Annaliese?
6 I'm from Australia.
8 I'm seventeen. What about you?
9 I'm seventeen, too.
10 How do you spell your name?
11 G-I-A-C-O-M-O.

Exercise 2 $ LISTENING 3 page 4
2 school

3 student

4 teacher

5 pencil

6 house
7 chair

8 desk

Exercise 3 | LISTENING 4 page 4
b 13

c 11

d 23

e 9

f 50

g 16

h 1

i 30

Exercise 4 page 4
21 twenty-one

3 three

8 eight

40 forty

19 nineteen
15 fifteen

12 twelve

6 six

Exercise 5 | LISTENING 5 page 4
1 What's your name?

2 How are you?

3 How old are you?
4 How do you spell your name?

5 Where are you from? Students' own answers

Exercise 6 page 4
Students' own answers


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